Come le aspettative influenzano la nostra esperienza sensoriale dei cibi piccanti
In a new study that could reshape approaches to consumer products and therapeutic practices, researchers have unveiled how expectations — both positive and negative — affect our brain’s response to spicy food. The findings, published in PLOS Biology, uncover a fascinating interplay between our anticipatory beliefs and our sensory experiences. Led by Yi Luo from…
Le azioni umane hanno causato una perdita di specie di uccelli e di diversità maggiore di quanto si pensasse in precedenza, rivela uno studio
A study published in Science underscores the vast extent of bird species extinctions due to human activity over the last 130,000 years, revealing a notably greater impact than previously understood. This monumental loss spans approximately 3 billion years of unique evolutionary history and 7% of global avian functional diversity. While the diminishing of species richness…
Scienziati di spicco svelano le nuove "regole d'oro" per una pesca sostenibile per proteggere gli oceani e nutrire un pianeta che si sta riscaldando
In a decisive call to action, a team of leading ocean experts has introduced a revolutionary set of guidelines that aim to transform sustainable fishing practices. Published in Nature’s scientific journal npj Ocean Sustainability, their report proposes 11 “golden rules” designed to halt ongoing ocean destruction and regenerate fish populations to feed future generations. This…
Un nuovo studio dimostra che gli studenti che studiano inglese migliorano il rendimento scolastico nei nuovi stati di destinazione
A new study released today reveals that a significant influx of English learner students into “new destination” states in the U.S. South and Midwest has led to positive academic outcomes for existing students, particularly in reading. The research, published in the peer-reviewed journal Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis by the American Educational Research Association, challenges…
Uno studio rivela la parzialità dell'intelligenza artificiale nei saggi di ammissione al college verso narrazioni maschili e privilegiate
Artificial intelligence may be transforming the way students approach college admissions essays, but a new study by researchers at Cornell University suggests that this technological aid comes with notable biases. The findings, published in the Journal of Big Data, reveal that AI-generated essays tend to mirror the writing styles of male students from higher socioeconomic…
Brevi pause al telefono possono aiutare gli studenti a eccellere in classe, secondo uno studio
In an era where smartphones are both a boon and a bane in educational settings, a new study from researchers at Southern Illinois University offers a refreshing perspective. Their findings, published in Frontiers of Education, suggest that allowing students to take one-minute phone breaks during lectures can significantly reduce overall phone use and improve test…
Le app di intelligenza artificiale innovative utilizzano le fotocamere degli smartphone per rilevare la depressione
Depression, affecting nearly 300 million people worldwide, remains a challenging condition to diagnose, especially when individuals are unwilling or unable to report their symptoms. Innovative technology, however, may offer a new path. Stevens Institute of Technology professor Sang Won Bae, alongside doctoral candidate Rahul Islam, is at the forefront of developing AI-driven smartphone applications that…
Uno studio dell'UBC dimostra che mandare SMS mentre si cammina mette in serio pericolo i pedoni
Pedestrians who text or talk on their phones while walking are at significantly higher risk of accidents, according to a new study from the University of British Columbia. Research conducted at two busy intersections in downtown Vancouver has shown that distracted pedestrians have a 45% increased likelihood of near-miss incidents with vehicles compared to their…
Il sistema di desalinizzazione ad energia solare fornisce acqua pulita senza batterie
MIT engineers have unveiled a pioneering desalination system that leverages the power of the sun to produce clean water without the need for batteries. This innovation could be a game changer for communities lacking reliable access to fresh water sources and grid power. The new system dynamically adjusts its desalting process to match fluctuations in…
Nuove app di orientamento trasformano la navigazione indoor per i non vedenti
Muoversi in spazi chiusi in modo indipendente può essere un compito arduo per chi non vede. Grazie a un nuovo sviluppo della UC Santa Cruz, le nuove app per smartphone offrono ora una soluzione trasformativa per i ciechi e gli ipovedenti. Roberto Manduchi, professore di informatica e ingegneria alla UC Santa Cruz, e il suo team hanno fatto notevoli progressi…