Borsa di studio del Point Foundation Community College

Quantità: $ 2,400 per semestre o $ 4,800 per anno accademico. La Storia: Offered by the Point Foundation, the Point Foundation Community College Scholarship supports supports lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer students in community college. In addition to financial support, scholarship recipients receive access to coaching and admissions counseling for those who want to transfer to a university. The foundation assesses applicants on many factors, including financial need or independence, personal history, academic achievement, community involvement, and work experience. To qualify, students must be “out” as a person who identifies as a member of the LGBTQ community, be enrolled or intending to enroll at an accredited community college in the United States, including Hawaii and Alaska, have 1-2 years of community college left and either (1) intend to transfer to a bachelor’s degree program at a four-year institution or (2) graduate with an associates degree within two years, and must be enrolled at least half-time (six credits) throughout the academic year. Each year, applications open in November.
Livelli di voto ammissibili: Senior School Senior, Community College Student
Maggiori ammissibili: Tutte le major
Requisito di residenza: Nessun requisito di residenza
GPA minima: Nessun requisito GPA
Scadenza: Le candidature apriranno nell'autunno 2024. Si prega di notare che le scadenze delle borse di studio cambiano spesso, quindi assicurati di controllare il sito web dello sponsor della borsa di studio per le scadenze aggiornate.

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