Borsa di studio del quinto mese - $ 1,500 - Fai domanda ogni anno entro maggio 31

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Unigo’s Fifth Month Scholarship offers $1,500 to a student who understands the importance of “five.” Apply by May 31, 2017. High-five, anyone?

May is an interesting and often exciting time of the year. For us college students, it means the end of another long (but productive) school year, and the start of summer. May is also the fifth month of the year, and Unigo wants to know why the number five is important to you. By sharing your ideas, you could win $1,500!

Scrivi una lettera spiegando perché il numero cinque è importante per avere una possibilità di $ 1,500!


  • Deve essere anni o più vecchi 14
  • Deve essere un residente legale degli Stati Uniti o del Distretto di Columbia
  • Deve essere attualmente iscritti (o si iscriveranno da caduta 2026) in un istituto post-secondari di istruzione superiore

Come applicare

  • Presentare una domanda on-line.
  • Write a short response (250 words or less)  answering the following:
    • May is the 5th month of the year. Write a letter to the number five explaining why five is important. Be serious or be funny.

Consigli veloci

  • It’s up to you to decide which direction you want to take this letter. You could be completely serious and personal, or aim for funny and anecdotal. Up to you.
  • Proofread and check for grammar/spelling errors.
  • 250 words isn’t much – make each one count and delete the unnecessary ones!

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