Programma di borse di studio per lezioni di vita - $ 10,000 - Applicare annualmente entro il 1 marzo

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Sommario borsa di studio

Life Happens sponsorizza il programma annuale di borse di studio Life Lessons che assegna fino a $ 15,000 al vincitore del primo premio. Presenta un saggio in 500 o un video in 3 che spiega come la morte del tuo genitore o tutore ha influenzato la tua vita finanziariamente ed emotivamente.

Questo è uno borsa di studio annuale. Bookmark questa pagina e torna ogni anno! Applications are accepted online during the February timeframe and scholarship recipients are notified in the June timeframe.

Life Happens sponsors the annual Life Lessons Scholarship Program for college students and college-bound high school seniors. Qualified entrants who submit essays or videos about how the death of a parent impacted their lives are eligible for scholarship money. Over a million dollars in college scholarships have been awarded over the years.

Linee Guida

Submit either a 500-word essay OR a 3-minute video discussing how the death of your parent or guardian affected your life financially and emotionally. Be sure to describe how the loss of your parent/guardian impacted your college plans, and explain how the lack of adequate life insurance coverage (or no coverage at all) impacted your family’s financial situation.

Submissions will be based on:

  1.  The compelling nature of the story
  2. How instructive the story is with regards to the need for proper insurance planning (i.e., how the lack of adequate life insurance coverage impacted the family’s ability to meet future financial goals)
  3. The determination of the student to not allow his/her loss to prevent him/her from realizing the goal of obtaining a college degree


  • Tra 17 - 24 anni di età
  • Have experienced the death of a parent or legal guardian
  • Will be attending college, university or trade school in the US or Puerto Rico in the upcoming fall semester
  • Pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree
  • Legal resident of the United States or Puerto Rico
  • No employees or household members employed by The Life and Health Insurance Foundation or its affiliates
  • Have parent’s or legal guardian’s permission to enter if under age 18

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